

新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore,简称NUS)是一所在国际上具有领先学术地位的综合性研究型大学,在教学、研究以及创业方面都具有卓越的优势。其前身是成立于1905年的海峡殖民地医学学校。它拥有来自全世界100多个国家和地区超过30,000名学生,学生的多元化背景和都市化的环境造就了国大三个校园丰富的学习与生活氛围。三个校园包括:占地150公顷的肯得岗主校区、武吉知马校园、以及位于欧南园校园。




Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

Master of Arts (Chinese Culture and Language)中国文化和语言学习

MA (English Language and Linguistics)

Master of Arts in Literary Studies 文学学习

Master of Arts (Southeast Asian Studies) 东南亚研究

Master of Psychology (Clinical)临床心理学

Master of Social Work社会工作

Master of Science(Applied Geographic Information Systems) 应用地理信息系统硕士  

Master of Arts (Applied and Public History) 应用与公共历史硕士  

Master of Arts (Asian and Global History) 亚洲与全球历史硕士  

Master of Arts (Arts and Cultural Entrepreneurship) 文化艺术创业硕士  

Master of Economics

Master of Social Sciences (Communication) 社会科学硕士(传播学)

School of Business

Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士

Master of Science (Management) 管理学硕士

Master of Science Business Analytics 商业分析硕士

Master of Science in Finance 金融学硕士

MSc in Marketing Analytics and Insights  市场分析和洞察学硕士

Master of Science in Accounting  会计学

Master of Science in Human Capital Management and Analytics 人力资本管理和分析

Master of Science in Real Estate 房地产

Master of Science in Supply Chain Management  供应链管理硕士图片图片图片图片

School of Computing

Master of Computing 计算机学

Master of Science in Digital Financial Technology 数字金融技术

School of Continue and Lifelong Education

Master of Science (MSc) in Industry 4.0  工业4.0

Master of Science (MSc) in Venture Creation 创业科学

Faculty of Dentistry

Master of Dental Surgery (Endodontics) 牙科手术(牙髓学)

Master of Dental Surgery (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) 牙科手术(口腔和颌面外科)

Master of Dental Surgery (Orthodontics) 牙科手术(正畸学)

Master of Dental Surgery (Periodontology) 牙科手术(牙周病学)

Master of Dental Surgery (Prosthodontics)牙科手术(口腔修复学)学费99300新币/年(不签服务协议)

Master of Dental Surgery (Paediatric Dentistry)牙科手术儿童牙科

School of Design & Environment

Master of Architecture 建筑学硕士

Master of Arts in Architectural Conservation 建筑保护学硕士

Master of Arts (Urban Design) 城市规划

Master of Landscape Architecture 园林建筑学

Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability) 建筑性能和可持续性

Master of Science (Environmental Management) 环境管理

Master of Science (Integrated Sustainable Design) 综合可持续设计托福

Master of Science (Project Management) 项目管理 2年制 

Master of Urban Planning 城市规划 学制2年


Faculty of Engineering

Master of Science (Supply Chain Management) 供应链管理  学制1年,春秋季入学

Master of Science (Chemical Engineering) 化学工程 春秋季入学

Master of Science (Civil Engineering) 土木工程 春秋季入学。

Master of Science (Electrical Engineering) 电气工程

Master of Science (Environmental Engineering) 环境工程

Master of Science (Industrial & Systems Engineering) 工业&系统工程

Master of Science (Intellectual Property Management) 知识产权管理

Master of Science (Maritime Technology and Management) 海事技术与管理 

Master of Science (Management of Technology) 技术管理

Master of Science (Materials Science & Engineering) 材料科学与工程

Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering) 机械工程

Master of Science (Safety, Health & Environmental Technology) 安全,健康&环境技术

Faculty of Law

Master of Laws 法学 

Master of Laws (Asian Legal Studies) 亚洲法律研究 

Master of Laws (Corporate & Financial Services Law) 企业&金融服务法

Master of Laws (Intellectual Property & Technology Law) 知识产权&技术服务法

Master of Laws in International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution 国际仲裁与争议解决  

Master of Laws (International Business Law) 国际商法 与上海华东政法大学合办 

Master of Laws (International & Comparative Law) 国际比较法 

Master of Laws (Maritime Law) 海事法

LLM-MPA Double Degree Programme 与李光耀公共政策管理学院合作

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Master in Public Policy 公共政策 

Master in Public Administration 公共行政学

Master in Public Administration and Management (汉语教学) (高级公共行政与管理硕士)

Master in International Affairs高级国际事务硕士学位


Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

Master of Public Health 公共健康

Faculty of Science

Master of Science in Biodiversity Conservation and Nature-based Climate Solutions 生物多样性保护和基于自然的气候解决方案  

Master of Science in Biotechnology 生物技术

Master of Science in Chemistry Sciences 化学科学

Master of Science in Forensic Science 法医学 

Master of Science in Data Science and Machine Learning 数据科学和机器学习

Master of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition 食品科学与人类营养学  

Master of Science (Mathematics)  数学 

Master of Science (Physics) 物理学  

MSc (Pharmaceutical Science & Technology)  制药科学与技术

Master of Science in Physics for Technology 技术物理

Master of Science (Quantitative Finance) 计量金融学  

Master of Science (Statistics) 统计学 

Joint Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry (NUS & TUM) 工业化学

Joint Master of Science in Quantitative Finance(NUS & TUM)  定量金融学

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

Master of Medicine (Anaesthesiology) 麻醉学 

Master of Medicine (Diagnostic Radiology) 放射诊断学  

Master of Medicine(Emergency Medicine) 急诊医学  

Master of Medicine (Family Medicine) 家庭医学  

Master of Medicine (Surgery) 外科  

Master of Medicine (Internal Medicine) 内科

Master of Medicine (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) 妇科  

Master of Medicine (Ophthalmology) 眼科  

Master of Medicine (Orthopaedic Surgery) 整形外科 

Master of Medicine (Otorhinolaryngology) 耳鼻喉科

Master of Medicine (Paediatric Medicine) 儿科学

Master of Medicine (Psychiatry) 精神病学

Master of Science (Audiology) 理学硕士(听力学)

Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music

Master of Music 音乐学NUS

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